0 "@context": "http://schema.org/", "@type": "Product", "name": "construction leads", "image": "https://static.wixstatic.com/media/e51550_a23f8e4c2fda4d9c8c8578586ebc6613~mv2.jpeg/v1/fill/w_545,h_263,al_c,lg_1,q_80/Free_Sample_By_Wix-8.webp", "description": "We supply all the planning applications from throughout the UK & generate construction sales leads for the projects that construction companies wish to build.", "brand": "2BuildUK", "offers": { "@type": "Offer", "priceCurrency": "GBP", "price": "30", "priceValidUntil": "2019-03-29", "availability": "http://schema.org/InStock", "itemCondition": "http://schema.org/NewCondition"
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 Planning sales leads 

 Residential & Commercial planning Applications UK

Our planning leads include all United Kingdom projects, with your projects of interest separated out. A great way to find out upcoming construction projects near you. Thereafter the construction sales marketing can start immediately and generate building leads. From £10 a month per Local Planning Authority for all the applications, £15 for a targeted project list.

 Save time, increase profits - Call 2BuildUK 0115-9144626 

Special offer -

50 projects of interest mailed for £95 each month

includes - Planning data, postage, full colour printing, copywriting, envelopes & paper.

 Planning leads for the building projects that your 
  company wishes to build nearby.






This service is for businesses & organisations that wish to have planning leads supplied, and do not need any direct marketing input. The planning application leads are taken from the local authority websites. We also store permitted development projects.


2Builduk's typical customer for a list would be a company or organisation that wants to get ahead of the competition by having information about current, future or past projects that have required planning permission & are

relevant to the success and knowledge of the business.


The huge pool on information available through our planning system could be of use to Contractors, Developers, News Agencies, Market Researchers, Sales organisations, Architects, Engineers, Urban planners, Manufacturers, Retailers,

Utility providers.......and more.


Your organisation would supply what information was needed - from which area, and on what date range. Historical

records are available, but we would have to investigate what requirement you had and for which area, as the time records

are held can vary from place to place.


Information could be supplied and pre-sorted to make it easier to work on straight away. The data reports can include

new plans submitted, approved plans, refused plans & whether projects were at an Outline or detailed planning stage in

the process. We also have information relating to permitted development projects, though this is not as complete as the

planning record. Relevant information included within your spreadsheet would be the Agent, and their contact details,

and a link to the documents associated with this application.


2BuildUK can supply the planning database lists on a short term, regular or one-off basis & customers would know what they were spending in advance.


The Planning lists would be used in different ways by different clients. It could be used for analysis & statistics. Builders would extract planning leads & Mailshot companies & households, and/or contractors may telephone Architects to promote their specialist service and be added to a tender list.


A project lead list would be supplied that includes the type of project the company wishes to build, aswell as in the geographical location that your business operates in.

The information included on the Planning spreadsheet list will be the name & address of the applicant, the address of the project, a description of the project, details of the Architect & a link back to the planning documents.

All the information collected and supplied is the Copyright of 2BuildUK Ltd once we have collected and added value to the published data. The Government encourage use of Public information for the benefit of business and the economy, & here is a link to the Open Government licence for public sector information.

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